Monday, August 23, 2010

Which is better for acne treatment: Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide?

You definitely need both. You have to keep your skin in a state of peeling away the dead debris. A non-oily moisturizer is needed as well.Which is better for acne treatment: Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide?
I use the benzoyl peroxide soap with a skin buff puff. Then I use the salicylic acid toner with a cottonball. Remember if your skin start to dry, use some non clogging face lotion such as clinique moisturizing lotion..I also use proactiv refining mask and only put it on the pimple that is giving me a problem.. the next day that stubbon pimple is gone..I also take vitamin A to help my skin..This is what I learned that works for me..It took me years to find this combination..I hope this will work for you too.Which is better for acne treatment: Salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide?
They do different things, so usually you would use a combination of proiducts with those ingredients. That's part of the reason proactive tends to work well for people.
Benzoyl peroxide is definitely better because it works by actually killing the bacteria and reducing inflammation in the follicle and is a good choice for people with mild acne. Salicylic acid just pretty much works by reducing the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. So yea.. I hope that helped answer your question =)
You know, having suffered terrible acne as a teen I found little that ';worked.'; The simplest answer is that everyone reacts differently to medications - in this case we're talking about topicals. Try them both and see which one works best for you.
benzoyl peroxide but if you have sensitive skin use salicylic acid

but from your icon you must be African American so i would suggest benzoyl peroxide because it is more drying and no offense just how it works, but African Americans tend to have more oily skin

but it all depends on your specific skin because overdoing it can dry your skin out bad
i have struggled with acne for years now, ive tried everything from clear and clear to proactive... nothing ever helped. a couple months ago i started using products from mario badescu and they changed my face completely. not only are their products amazing at treating acne but also all natural. some do contain salicylic acid, check out the website, truly amazing and so worth every penny.
I think proactiv uses both, so I would recommend them....get the 3 pack and see how you like it. If your skin is really bad, I would use it when you wake up, after work or school, and at bedtime...and if you work out or have pe, I would use it after you are done....good luck
  • neutrogena
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