Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anyone have good almost certain to work treatment for acne?

I have bad acne and sensitive skin. Clearasil, ivory soap, and most common remedies haven't helped much. Does anyone have any suggestions?Does anyone have good almost certain to work treatment for acne?
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acneDoes anyone have good almost certain to work treatment for acne?
I have NO INTREST in the company, but, the hollywood types all use, swear by, and have had insanle great results with Pro Active. It supposedly is the best there is.
Why don't you try eating an avocado or a mango - works for me every time.
i usually just put cucumber on my face since i dont like to use products..what i do is i cutt a cucumber in two slices and rubb it all over my face and leave it on for 30 min and then wash it off...u should see big difference
i have the same problem. go to a dermatoligist. prescribed medicine is the only thing that ever worked for me, and they examine ur skin to know exactly what you need

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