Monday, August 23, 2010

Safe acne treatment while pregnant?

I've always had skin problems, but i was finally managing with a daily skin routine full acne products. Well now that im pregnant my skin is 10 times worse and I know you cant use anything containing acids and benzoyl peroxide, does anyone have any suggestions that're safe and effective? thank you!Safe acne treatment while pregnant?
im 33 weeks pregnant and have been told by a health professional to buy some tee tree oil from a health shop and dilute a few drops in water and then rub over my face appantly this works wonders for acne and is safe to use whilst pregnantSafe acne treatment while pregnant?
ask your Dr if it's ok to take extra zinc suppliments.

the best ont he market are the L opti zinc if you can find them

as well try to make sure you take in enough copper too they are antagonists of eachother.

oh and my Doula when i was complaining of this suggested stinging nettle tea.

it's full of nutrients like zinc. getting your nutrients in food form tends to be better utilized by the body any way cus it has co factors help with assimilation. most sources ive seen say nettle is safe during pregnancy. but it's best to ask your Dr and do your own research and then make up your own mind.

it also helped with milk production.
I've been using a dye free, perfume free face cleanser and a mixture of different all natural masks to try to control my out of control face. I still have flair ups but I have some mint julep face mask that seems to clear it up. It is rather annoying, the one time we need it most, we cant even use the good face stuff.
omg.. this is such a great question!!! lol. i finally got mine under control now that im pregnant, its just as bad again. i don't have an answer for you. but im going to keep an eye on it and see what other people say

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