Friday, August 20, 2010

Anyone here using the acne treatment Epiduo?

My doc prescribed it to me and I wanted to know how effective it was.Anyone here using the acne treatment Epiduo?
i started using it a couple weeks ago and i'm already seeing an improvement. i had a papule earlier past week and it's almost already gone it's made the healing process a whole lot quicker. the only downside of it is it makes my face itchy and dry.Anyone here using the acne treatment Epiduo?
Epiduo is one of the newest topical prescription medications for acne. It is a combination of Differen (adapalene) gel and benzoyl peroxide. The combination has been shown to be more effective than if you were to use these two medications individually.

The Differin part of the medication helps with comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) while the benzoyl peroxide part helps with the inflammatory lesions (pimples, pustules)

The studies that gained the FDA approval showed that Epiduo helped patients clear their acne very well. About 50% of the patients studied showed a good response with almost 28% being clear or almost clear at 12 weeks. Compared to other topical medications this is pretty good.

Good luck with your treatment!
i use clearisal

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