Friday, August 20, 2010

Is there a good acne treatment/medication?

I have lots of acne all over my ace. Every time I use any acne treatment/medication I always swell up and my face itchs a lot. I have used AcneFree and Clean %26amp; Clear Acne Clearing System. I am thinking in using Proactive but I am not sure if it works. I also think I am allergic to benzoyl. So, do you think there is a good acne treatment/medication?Is there a good acne treatment/medication?
HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT FOR ACNE (Without any side effects or complications) :-

Head remedy.Pimples worse during menses;worse after eating fats, sugar, coffee and meat Psorinum 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Pimples at the age of puberty with itching Asterias Rub 30X, 6 hourly

If Asterias rub fails; pustuler eruptions Kali Brom 30X, 6 hourly

Chronic cases; worse after taking eggs and during winter seasons Streptococcin.200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

To clean the complexion Berberis Aquifolium Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 7 - 8 drops

Pimples; stools constipated like sheep's dung; worse from sea bathing Magnesia Mur.30X, 6 hourly

Acne of nose; better in damp weather Causticum.30X, 6 hourly

To cover tendency of pimples and to purify the blood Echinacea Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 - 10 drops

Acne rosacea.Pimples are painful for some distance around; worse during menstruation. Eugenia J Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Pimples hard like flee bites, chilblains Agaricus Mus 30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Skin moist; pimples; digestion slow; flatulence; better fanning Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Rose colourd pimples; pale,waxy skin; chilly persons Silicea.200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Acne in tuberculer patients Tuberculinum K 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Acne hard; indurated base with pustule at apex; night sweats Arsenic Iod 3X or 6X, 4 hourly

When above remedies fail (intercurrent remedy) Sulphur 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Avoid :- Chocolate, Coffee, Mints, Rich Spicy Food, Alcoholic and Carbonated Drinks while taking Homeopathic Remedies.

Take Care and God Bless !Is there a good acne treatment/medication?
most of those medications have benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient, which causes redness, itchyness and irritation on womens skin. try an acne treatment like clearpores made or salicylic acid which is much milder.
Natural acne treatments are desirable because they have few side effects, are inexpensive, and are effective for many. There are many natural acne treatments available for purchase. These contain various plant extracts that work to dry up the pimple and sooth the skin

Most of these products contain vitamin E, grapeseed oil, calendula, aloe vera, witch hazel or essential oils. For example, tea tree oil applied to acne has been found to be effective for hundreds of years. An herbal blend that can help with acne consists of equal parts of the herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers. Take half a teaspoon of this blend three times daily.

Maintain a healthy kitchen with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat foods containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds, salmon, and sardines. Drink six to eight large glasses of water a day. Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as chromium and zinc, all play a role in reducing and preventing acne. Avoid refined sugar, fried foods, and trans fat (such as milk, milk products, margarine, and any hydrogenated vegetable oils). Some people find that chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk products aggravate acne.

Stress is popularly thought to be a cause of acne. Yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback, massage, and meditation may be beneficial. Chinese, Ayuredic, Tibetan and Japanese herbal medicines can be used to treat acne. Massage is often recommended for people with skin problems. It can help to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage and speed the healing of blemishes.

When shopping for cosmetics and toiletries, look for the phrase ';non-comedogenic'; on the packaging. Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Most acne patients should select powder blushes and eye shadow over cream products because they are less irritating and non-comedogenic. Never pick, scratch, pop or squeeze acne, especially inflammatory acne or ';pustules';.
I LOVE ProActive. I have been using it 5 years. It is best to use the entire system, not just part.

Proactive does have benzoyl, but it sounds to me like your itchiness is just inflammation from products NOT an allergic reaction.

I think Proactive is worth a try. Give it a good couplke months to clear up your skin...
Proactive is great and it is on sale right now for $19.99 on MTV channels. If you decide to order it, ask them over the phone if you can return it should it turn out you are allergic to it.

Good luck.
If you would like to proceed from acne to much more serious health problems and die at the age of ';bald-and-fat-40';, continue to do everything you have been. If you would like to completely cure your acne problem and live a healthy, long life... then read the following and do more research:

1: Acne is NOT caused by bacteria or a bacterial infection. Here's a list of causative cause-and-effect:

- You eat a pizza; No fruit, no raw vegetables, and you drink soda.

- This digests (very, very slowly...) and constipates you, but during digestion releases acidic ash content; What's left after digestion.

- You are unable to absorb nutrients efficiently because of constipation, and now your body finds the acids (normally as strong as car-battery acids) and creates a mucus lining on the intestines and some organs to keep them from getting damaged.

- Your body releases calcium from the blood, body tissues, ligaments, bones, teeth, and fluids to neutralize and carry out that acid. (Ionized calcium has plenty of room to spare for detoxification of harmless acidic waste.) Along with this calcium is a plethora of vital minerals and serum-alkaline fluid levels which could have been used to protect the cells themselves from damage. Meanwhile, that mucus back in your digestive tract is hardening into a plastic-paste.

- Your body is already using vital detoxification organs (liver, kidneys, gallbladder, etc) to rid itself of specific ingested and absorbed threats, and this overheated, overprocessed, over salted, meat-laden, dairy-contaminated rotting food is the last on its list to be run through and sifted... So evacuation begins. While your liver and kidneys and blood vessels carry the worst of the load, which flows around waiting for its turn to be kicked out, your body takes it a step further and evacuates what it can through the SKIN and LUNGS. Heard of sweating? Try getting an acne sufferer to do heavy cardio 30 minutes after eating something very high in sugar. It comes to the top faster with sweat.

- What goes through the lungs CAN cause lung problems, if there's no control over the diet and this continues to happen. Asthma is one thing that can develop. If you're an acne sufferer, though, guess what your body finds most useful for evac-detox. ; ) When acidic waste (primarilly) reaches the skin, your skin goes from being a balanced, 7.x pH environment to an over-acidic hell hole.

- The bacteria blamed for acne swoop in; for they thrive in this specific pH level and environment. They make their way to hairs first, as it's an easy way in, and because you're excreting acidic waste through sebum, which DOES reach the surface.

- So, these little guys cultivate in a pull of your own acidic oils, and make their way down to the inner layers of your epidermis. You don't have acne yet, bud; Just an oily face.

- These bacteria grow and grow and grow in number, and your body notices. Your body sees this as a huge problem, because if the bacteria spreads enough, it can pose a threat to the entire body's health... not just the face (or neck or back or chest; etc).

- And... here's what you'll never, ever hear a doctor telling you:

Your body gives you acne; Not the bacteria.

Your antibodies hustle in and cause a big swelling, and there you have it! If the fluids can escape, you have what appears to be a clogged pore. Pores can appear clogged for many reasons, but only very rarely for the reasons of '; '; '; dirt '; '; ';. If the fluids cannot escape, or the infection is deep, then you get those lovely puss pockets of gratuitous love we all call ';pimples'; or ';zits';.

So... Your body is telling you something. Acne is not the problem; It's the sign. It's the symptom OF a problem.

Here are some steps to getting rid of your acne (or at least quieting the battle):

1: Shop primarilly in the produce sections of your market or eatery. A minimum of 90% of your diet should be fresh and RAW fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains. The rest should be decided by you as either a type of meat or legumes; or if you'de rather neither of them be in your diet, more fruit or vegetable content.

2: Drink as much water as you can stomach, but drink it in sips and swallows and NOT glugs. Drinking too much at a time can overload the kidneys, so make it a goal to finish X-amount by the end of the day. Also, water should not be had 10 minutes before a meal or until 10 minutes after, as it dilutes the stomach's acids. Otherwise, you're all clear.

3: Stop drinking sodas (artificial sugar is no excuse), all carbonated beverages, alcohols on any list of ingredients, pasteurized fruit or vegetable juices, etc. Water, FRESHLY MADE juices, freshly made herbal teas, and... water are all fine to drink at almost any time.

4: Stop eating anything from a diner of any sort (There is little room for excuse here; One being ';It's a 'raw-food' diner!'; I just don't think many of you weak individuals will be able to handle a real-life diet. ; )

5: If it has added sugar, corn syrups, or any sweetener other than stevia or low-glycemic substances like agave nectar, don't buy or eat it.

6: If it has hydrogenated ANYTHING in it, any kind of coloring agent (that isn't a plant pigment), or anything that generalizes without specification (ie: 'spices', 'artificial flavor', 'natural flavor', etc), don't eat it.

7: Make sure that every meal contains a green plant food or at least a red or purple fruit. Eat more bananas, raisins, plums, dates, etc for your sweet tooth, and eat more avocados and healthy, cold pressed oils (olive oil, coconut oil, etc) for your fats. You may obtain a very good source of dietary fat from certain fish; canned or fresh.

8: Don't e at more than one serving of animal flesh per day. (Until, that is, your acne has partially cleared. You've reached the stage of detox after that to where your body may be able to handle detoxification of heavy red meats and dairy again. . . BUT--%26gt;)

9: Don't eat dairy or anything that has a dairy product or derivitive in it... unless it's from a human's breast. Quite simply put, if you're drinking (eating...) milk, your mind hasn't progressed beyond the intellectual level of a small child. You're dependent on that milk.

10: Last but not least, take, eat, drink, stuff up your butt, inject into your arm, sniff up your nose NO DRUGS; MEDICAL OR OTHERWISE. These make acne worse, 99% of the time. If it's an Acne-Helping-Happy-Miracle-Drug, do realize that it's also a drug that has been proven by science and testimony to destroy such things as liver tissue, kidney tissue, intestinal tissue, blood vessel tissue... brain tissue... Catch what I'm saying? Now, what do you depend on the most to keep acne from getting bad? Why, your detoxification routes! (such as the liver, kidneys, blood...)

Before I decide to stop typing, I'll add one more positive note:

Isolated sugar has been proven to be 3 times more chemically addictive in our bodies than an allowance of nicotine alone, so good luck in quitting, you weak bastards. : P
Here's a simple formula for keeping the acne away.

1. Go Buy two face cleaners: 1 clearsil pads and 1 apricot scrub

- Use clearsil pad to clean your face every morning and before bed. (Wash face with water, dry, use pad, don't dry).

- Apricot scrub. Use this at least once a week. Best to use every other day though. Easiest to use in shower. After use then use clearsil pad.

2. Use rubbing alcohol for spot reduction. Dip Q tip in rubbing alcohol and apply to pimple before bed.

3. Don't cause scars: Don't pick if you don't have to.

4. Keep your hair clean. Our hair has so much oil in it (even dry hair). Many people don't realize that a lot of acne comes from hair. This means shower at least every other day.

5. Keep your pillow case clean. Wash weekly. If you don't have washer and dryer then wash in bathtub. It holds a lot of oil!

6. If you are a female you can also buy some concelear. If you can afford it buy oil free concelear (like Physicians Formula). If not then buy 99 cent concelear (wet n wild brand is cheap). You can use this to cover up acne while in public and for some reason i think it helps to wear it.

7. Drinks lots of water!!!

If you can't afford to buy acne products listed above there are home remedy formulas.

Instead of clearsil pads apply rubbing alcohol with cloth.

Instead of apricot scrub mix oil free soap with sugar (I used to keep a glass jar of sugar in my bathroom).

The itching is probably because you have dry skin and this makes it dryer. You can buy a face moisturizer but make sure it's oil free and hypoallergenic. Apply this after your acne regimen and it should help with itch.

You can't get rid of scars until you've been acne free for 3 months. At this time you can start using scar meds. like Mederma.

Tip: Hot water opens pores so you can clean them out. Cold water closes them.

Tip: Don't ever rub face dry with a towel. Either blot dry or let air dry. Towel particles clog up pores.

REMEMBER: You have to use all steps for it to be effective.

Hope this helps!
You can heal your acne from the inside out. The previous answer that you get is very comprehensive. Skin problems have been linked to dysfunctions in kidney, liver and colon.

More treatment options can be obtained in this reference section on acne鈥?/a>
tazorac is good try seeing a dermatologist

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