Friday, August 20, 2010

Which acne treatment is better: Proactiv, Clear-pores, or Neutrogena Skin id?

I would greatly appreciate any and all help that i could get from those who have used either Proactiv, Clear-pores, or Neutrogena Skin id. I was interested in trying one of these products however was uncertain of which one was the best at clearing skin without irritating slightly sensitive skin.

Thank you!Which acne treatment is better: Proactiv, Clear-pores, or Neutrogena Skin id?
From my research back in my acne days, for sensitive skin, I'd sky away from Proactiv. Little bit too strong. Haven't had much experience with Skin ID.

But I've heard great things about ClearPores. I found a site that is perfect for you. It lists feedback from other ClearPores users. Check it out, and see what ya think.

Hopefully that helps.Which acne treatment is better: Proactiv, Clear-pores, or Neutrogena Skin id?
Human skin consists of many tiny pores. These pores are connected to oil glands. Once these oil glands are blocked by the sedum or dirt substance, pimples will break out. Doctors always use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to kill bacteria in skin pores, and other pills are used to restrict hormone and oil secretion. Those all have some harmful effects on your body. In order to get ride of pimples, you must keep your face clean all times. You can try Chlorella Gel Cleanser. It is made of edible algae and contains vitamins, Carotene, chlorophyll, amine acids, proteins, SOD enzyme, alga polysaccharides . Chlorella Gel Cleanser can clean corneous cells, sebum, sweat, dust, and get ride of pimples quickly.

I didn't use all of them but I used clearpores and was very pleased with the results.

This system helped me to get rid of my acne after 3 months and in my opinion it's one of the best and most affordable systems if you want to get rid of your acne and have beautiful skin again. They also give their customers 6 months full money back guarantee so there is no risk at all.

You can find more information and save money on their products in the website

Don't give up, acne is something that can be cure, good luck...
I would definitely recommend using Proactiv's 3-step program. I've been using Proactiv for about a year and a half now and it has worked wonders. The only thing about Proactiv though is that you have to be dedicated to using it twice a day. Once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Although for the first month or two you might want to only use it once a day, probably before you go to bed would be your best bet so your face can get used to it and it won't dry out. Hope this helped! Good Luck!
i used to have a huge acne problem when i was in college. it got really bad during times of stress, like around exam times. i found that the major reason for my breakouts was stress and poor nutrition.

the best thing you can do to prevent acne, is to drink lots and lots of water. tap water is the best. it detoxifies your system. fruits also help a lot; especially citrus fruits.

don't go for soaps or cleansing agents that claim to get rid of your acne. they just dry up your skin. excess oils may cause acne but your skin still needs the oils. don't over wash either for the same reason.

i tried a lot of products from the internet because i was desperate for an acne-free face, since i was in college. the girls just didn't dig it. nothing worked as well and as fast as Acnezine.

here's the link to their site

i saw the effects in a week. i was so relieved that i found this product. it just turned my social life around. it not only cured the acne i had but also removed blemishes. i still use it during stressful times to prevent future breakouts. i highly recommend it
Hiya - i tried them all a few years back.. I didn't have bad acne but it was present on my shoulders a little and these washes were of no use. Went to the doctor and he prescribed tetrecycline, and erythimycine for the summer months as tetrecycline can cause you to burn.. Cleared up after a few weeks..

do a little bit of research - but for the money you'll spend on creams and washes... it's worth the investment (also i dont remember being sick while on them lol!)
Neurtogena! Proactive may not always work according to your skin and what you can handle, my sister tried it and her skin got red and ashy,

I tried a Neutrogena and so did she, it clears your skin up leaves it smooth and radiant.


You should really try, Hope it helps!

I have proactiv and to be honest i don't think it works that well. I use clearasil, it works the best for white heads or small pimples. i had the whole neutrogena 3 step system thing and i don't think it worked that well. Using these products really depend on your skin type i think.....
Well i used practive for me and it cleared my sin a little but but i think somehow it devolped resistence to it and stoped working for me like the 3rd week
Don't use Clear-Pores! I think Neutrogena Skin ID and Proactiv may be much better.

Skin ID may work best!
I like Proactiv, but be careful with the toner, only use it once or twice a week after the first week so you don't over irritate and dry out your skin.
The stuff that Neutrogena makes always works for me!
dont use proactiv for sure!! it will dry your skin out and make you break out more when you stop using it for one day.
i would say neutrogena

;] me.

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