Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the best acne treatment that is at a low price?

OKAY THIS IS SO CHEEP! i have tried so many many many things...and NOTHING helped and the acne was still there..i hated everything..my skin is oily and the acne was under the skin[hardest to get rid of!!]..Until i found the solution called Clean%26amp;Clear..i will help..ok so if you have really hard to get acne i would TRULY suggest the clean%26amp;clear Advantage Acne Kit..It works SO GOOD it works so good that the first morning i used it..5 of the zits were GONE!!!..if you have less of a tasle i would use clean%26amp;clear Daily Pore Cleanser with the astrigent ..and moisturizer..that dried my skin out a little more so i suggest the kit..!! i hope i helped..and plus you dont ahve to order..and its CHEEP!What is the best acne treatment that is at a low price?
Um.. well I use proActiv personally 'cause that works 110% on my skin.. but that is very pricey - another one that is about half the price of ProActiv is ';Cetaphil Principles'; - it's a three step kit, and it works really well... I don't know your price range but the cetaphil one is about $50 and lasts for like 2 1/2 - 3 months depending on how much you use.

if you run out of the cleanser - just buy ';cetaphil - oily skin cleanser'; it's the exact same cleanser as the one in principles - the principles kit just has an on the spot treatment and an oil free moisturizer included.

this is all dermatologist recommended

good luck =)What is the best acne treatment that is at a low price?
If you have no allergies to it, over the counter Neosporin.

Also, wash your face twice daily - morning and evening - with Noxema Triple Clean products - they contain salicylic acid. Use the face wash and the astringent afterward. Be sure to use the exfoliating scrub at least once a week to get the dead skin off. Be sure to keep your hair clean - wash it every day with a gentle shampoo and keep it off your face.

After you wash your face and dry it, apply a thin coating of Neosporin all over your face.

Use a clean washcloth each time you wash your face. Dry with a paper towel or blow dryer set on ';low heat';.

Change your pillowcase every day and replace with a clean one.

You are fighting a battle with bacteria and these things will help you avoid the bacteria.
Buy a bar of soap, and some sort of cheap acne treatment cream/foam/soap/etc. (I use Aveno)

Every night, wash your hands. start a lather of soap with the bar, and wash your face. This will soften your skin, and open the pores. Gently rinse.

Then, use the cheap cream, and lather, scrub, and rinse.

When you wake up and take a shower, use the bar of soap, but this time, use a washcloth instead of your hands.

I do this every day. It may take a while, but you have to make a commitment.

Hope it helps...
There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing. Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean. Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that. Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue. Drink plenty of water 鈥?it really does help to clear up acne. Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep. A healthy life style will make a difference. Try to reduce the stress in your life 鈥?stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.

Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.

Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.




any benzoyl peroxide cream, they cost around $30 a tube which could last 6 months

if you really have acne, none of the cheap stuff really works, you need something that is medicated.

also, go to your doctor, if you have insurance, you may be able to get acne cream at a reduced price
I don't know what you would consider low, bit for (19.95) you can get proactiv and its the best thing made on earth for acne treatment. Its like a skincare army. :)

If you don't want to pay that much i would reccomend clearasil 2nd or if you're cheap, wash your face twice a day

Good Luck :)
get oxy it freaking works i have achne a little on my forehead and i used it 2 times today and its about gone by tuesday it shouuld be compleatly gone but get the face cleaner and a bottle or can(if it comes with it)of the face gel that cleans your face with out having to wash it away but read the directions first cause u will mess up your achne really bad and make it worse if you dont read it first.

I just got this Clean %26amp; Clear foaming face wash, and it was only like $4. I was skeptical as to its quality, but it works really, really well! I also bought this skin clearing moisturizer that kind of looks the same, it's a silver bottle with a purple top, that was like $5 that works great!
try clean and clear, oxy, proactive or anything else...or you can go to your doctor and ask them what to do.. thats what i did..they gave me a pill and a cream and my face cleared in less than 3 days...it really worked..the cream was differin...and stop eating all the junnk
i used to use the pads all the time and after a couple months of them my acne went away... i think its just me tho cuz it nvr came back and im 17. Oh and jst washing your face isnt gunna do much. and the whole junk food crap is just a myth i eat it all the time
Acutane is super expensive but will kill acne forever.

Nature's Cure is cheaper and works really well though
The best way is to go to your doctor... she/he can give you the best treatment for your exact skin

but If you are an American that might be a little costly (depending if you have coverage)
It's called changing your diet.

- Cut out all the sugar

- Get at least 8 hours of sleep

- Try to not eat junk food

Real beauty starts from the inside. You are what you eat.
that diet thing is bullshit

its not what u eat

we all have bacteria on are face

some are immune others arent

go see ur doctor

trust me.
probably Biore`
a face scrub with salacylic acid.
none of it works dont wastet ur time like i did, just dont pick at ur face and youll be fine!
walmart has a cheaper alternative brand of proactive
Avon Clearskin Range. Its Cheap and Effective.
biore and it's $5-6 at walmart. it's worth it

ProActiv is 19.95 for the whole system.
bio oil
DOVE SOAP MAN/OR WOMAN. Hey just stick to the original dove soap
wash your face at least twice a day
and drink as much water u can and pii

stop worring about it

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