Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's the best acne treatment for very oily skin?

Dunno. Maybe Cow Dung.What's the best acne treatment for very oily skin?
I have been using proactiv for about a week and it works excellent.What's the best acne treatment for very oily skin?
ProActiv is my favorite. Acne Free works good too. :)
I use Acne Free
exfoliate with the beauty glove used for face and body. then moisturise with a non greasy moisturiser. to get the beauty glove to exfoliate contact me at bbbexfoliate@yahoo.com.au
proactive, it works!
St. Ives Apricot Scrub and a lot of water
well i pop my pimples and then use clean and clear by neutrogena in the morning

and then before bed i use st.ives apricot scrub and then clean in clear again

it helped me :)
Proactiv, or if it is really bad, ask your doctor to prescribe antibiotics, works 100%
You should wash your face every night (and every morning too, if you want to) with soap and hot water. Literally rub the soapbar against your face. Rub it for a very long time so it looks like you're practically wearing a facial mask. Let it stay there for about one to three minutes, then rinse it off for a long time and very thoroughly with hot water. Then rub your face vigorously with a towel and be sure to dry your face very well. Do not put on any lotions or moisturizers. They tend to make your skin more oily naturally, even if they are intended for oily skin.
Proactiv works really good!!!!
oh my god do not in any situation use harsh sop and hot water. hot water will cause broken cappilaries in your face which looks horrible.dont do it.

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