Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What was the best home made acne treatment that worked for u?

i'm african teen

how fast did it work

did it get rid blackheads and whiteheads as well

did it have any side affects what website did u get from or did it from a book help me my acne is really bad

What was the best home made acne treatment that worked for u?
Peanut Butter, just rub it on and in a week it will be gone. Apply daily after showering. Leave on for 10 minutes.What was the best home made acne treatment that worked for u?
I had terrible acne for years, and tried every treatment, bought and home made and nothing worked, or did for a while and then stopped. I finally went to a Dermatologist and he put me on some tablets and my skin is now really clear. I cannot remember the spelling of the medication, but the Dermatologist would recommend which one is right for you after an appointment.
This is a MAJOR question for all teens,

The prob is there are different treatments for different teens.

I personaly LOVE proactive. It is a bit pricey but its worth it in the end.

But I only have one prob with it....When I stop using it I brake out again.

ALso Who has the time to use ALL 5 steps??

A really good treatment is Oxy pads. They work GREAT and they are quick and easy. You can buy them at different places but I like to buy them at big lots becuz you can get more for your money.

ALso dont forget that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find an acne treatment that will work over night.

And Also to remember to wash your face every night (even with or without an acne treatment)

Here are some good websites for you to visit:




I hope this helps!

Good luck.
for making the ance dry.you should make a homemade paste.

mix Quaker oats with yogurt,little honey,drops of rose water and some drops of lemon.put it on your face daily for about half an hour or until it dries.then wash it with cold water.the best time to do is before you sleep.

don't buy lots of creams.specially expensive one's.it may get worst.

but light creams.

how old are you anyway?

if you are still teen,its normal

but it depends on your skin type

good luck
You can try using clay masks as they help remove dirt from deep inside and clear your skin of impurities. More such solutions at


I think that if you use a mild organic facewash and moisterizer, that you will be just fine.
Toothpaste, or soda and water mixed into a paste

works everytime.


bye :)

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