Monday, August 23, 2010

Is there a affordable acne treatment that actually works?!?

I'm not sure what you've tried, but if you have bad acne and nothing you've tried is working, I recommend getting allergy tests done. I had bad acne for years and nothing helped it, and when I got allergy testing done a couple years ago I found out I'm allergic to lemons. This was a big surprise, considering I used to eat lemon bread, lemon cookies, or lemonade every day! But once I cut it out of my diet, my face cleared up within a few weeks. Now I only get a few spots now and again that I treat with regular over the counter medications.

In the meantime, try Purpose, it's a non-soap facial cleanser that won't leave a soap film on your skin. You can get it at any store.Is there a affordable acne treatment that actually works?!?
lots of green and orange veggies and water, less caffeine and sugars.

also checkout this site鈥?/a>

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