Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Please tell me what kind of skin care product should I use while I am on Isotretinoin.Can I use acne treatment

Please tell me what kind of skin care product should I use while I am on Isotretinoin.Can I use acne treatment like Murad and Proactive?My face are so dry so as my lip.It is true if you pick your face it will leave scar when treatment is over?How long do I need to take Isotretinoin?Thank you.Please tell me what kind of skin care product should I use while I am on Isotretinoin.Can I use acne treatment
These are questions you can call the derm adn ask him. actually, go schedule a visit maybe, and they can give you free skin lotion samples that will help.

You need to be on isotretinoin for months.......and more.

I am on duac and tazorac. It makes my face peel which helps with scarring........

as for lotion, it depends on what you can afford, but i found that

I bought creams vs. lotions will help with dry skin.

Eucerin is excellent over the counter.

You could try almond oil, actually Jojoba oil is excellent at promoting skin healing. and a more natural product.

if your face is so dry adn peeling, when you re washing your face, use a wet/warm wash cloth to gently rub against your facial skin to help exfoliate, this will help too.

Lavender essential oil is excellent at deterring germs and good for acne too. and gentle on the skin. look on line for essential oils dealing with acne/ google it.....Please tell me what kind of skin care product should I use while I am on Isotretinoin.Can I use acne treatment
I'm not to familiar with the the drug isotretionion but i do know that if you face is dry %26amp; your lip as well its best not to use products liek Murad %26amp; Proactive as these products contain Benzoyl Peroxide which can dry the skin out more. so just stick to mosturising and a lip conditioner such as vasiline ( its an oldie but fantastic) and you can even put it on the dry arears of your face too. its not to harsh. good luck.

P.S: dont pick at all, i know it feels good but it will leave scars that will leave you feeling bad in the future.

Get some pine tar soap in either bar or liquid form and wash the affected areas with this. Pine tar soap is available at lehmans or on ebay. Rinse with a solution of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% water. Pat dry rather than rubbing. Additionally, ingest at least a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day. You can add it to your apple juice or a glass of water or make a kind of tea with it by adding it to a cup of steaming water or have a salad with apple cider vinegar and oil as the dressing. This will help work on the problem from the inside while you are working on the problem on the surface.

Doing things the natural way is the only path to restored health.

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