Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Which acne treatment worked for you?

I just bought the Clearasil Ultra Acne Solution System, and the Pimple Blocker Pen, from target. I am 16, and never used a Acne Treatment, but I have been noticing small pimples constantly. I wanted to ask, which acne treatment worked for you, and is Clearasil a good brand to trust?Which acne treatment worked for you?
I agree with Chris, proactive doesn't work at all.

I used to have pretty bad acne.

I started using St. Ives Apricot scrub

and Vitamin E sticks for spot treatment.

It does the trick ;DWhich acne treatment worked for you?

From my experience If you really want to treat your acne there are two recommended solutions that should combined together (if you can afford it) for best results.

Firstly and more important, you must learn how you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief.

There are only few good Ebooks and acne cure programs that can teach you exactly how to cure your acne from the inside.

Where medicine has failed them the authors have done their own research and found a way to overcome acne. In their books they share their valuable knowledge with other acne sufferers. Anyhow, be very careful because many of them are pure crap with little value.

Check this article for useful information about very known and popular program that can help you to cure your acne naturally, fast and safely:


The second thing that you need to do is to get good acne skin product that will be suitable for your skin.

There are many acne skin care products available in the market right now and it's not easy to choose the product that will give you the best results.

When choosing your product make sure to check that you get at least 2 months full guarantee. Some of the big names in the industry are:

ClearPores, Acuzine, Acnezine, Proactiv, Vilante and some others.

I personally used the Clearpores cleansing system and was very satisfied with the results. You can find information and special discount on the different Clearpores acne systems here:


I hope that these tips will help you to get rid of your acne, good luck!
Proactive literally burned my skin off (legit, my skin was peeling) but it worked like magic for my cousin. So I have to say that everyone's skin is different, you've gotta try out lots of different things and see what workds for you. Clearasil works best for me, by the way, it's really nice. I also like Aveeno and Neutrogena, they feel nice and natural.
Clearisis is what I started out with,but it took forever to work.I sue ProActiv because it takes a little less than two weeks to wstart working.And I mean I have been in school for about a week now and all my blackheads aren't visible and they are almost gone.The pimples and zits take about two to three weeks to go away but it works-over time.=]
Clearasil is generally a good brand. Pro-active is good.

The next time you go to your doc. have him prescribe you something, because the stuff they have and the stuff u get over the counter is alot different.
epiduo really works. it ';kills'; every single pimple. (Note: Epiduo is prescription only. If you want something that works but isn't prescription, try Purpose)
well idk 4 guys but I use become and it's Ahmazing literally me and my sister use it and two days after its like nothing was/is there!!!
personally for me neutrogena worked best for me
Solodyn is by far the greatest. its an antibiotic for the skin. panoxl for washing, it is a benzol peroxide rinse
Benzaclin and Differen
Velocity by MaryKay. My skin is clear and glowing because of it
dont use proactive it doesnt work

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