Monday, August 23, 2010

Whats a good spot treatment for acne that will work overnight?

I am looking for a acne spot treatment to buy because I stopped proactive and I'm almost out of the mask. Please don't suggest toothpaste because that gives me even more breakouts. I want something that is designed to treat skin.Whats a good spot treatment for acne that will work overnight?
clean and clear persa gel 10! over time, also gets rid of acne scars!!! use it to spot treat at night!!!Whats a good spot treatment for acne that will work overnight?
The tricky part about acne is that the problem can

actually become worse if you overmedicate. That's

because acne medication can overdry the skin, causing

a boost in your skin's Sebum (oil) production. This

results guessed it - more acne.

So what's the long term solution? Find gentler

solutions or even natural acne cures that won't

shock your body into more breakouts.

Here's what I recommend...

Glycerin based facewash:

Glycerin is gentler and will balance the

pH levels in your skin.

Antibacterial Soap:

For body acne, try using an antibacterial soap

to slowly dry out the skin. If your skin gets too dry,

switch to a moisterizing soap like Dove to

counterbalance the effect.

Don't Overwash:

Wash your face only 2 times a day max and gently

pat dry with a towel.


Use a gentle face moisterizer if the glycerin based

face wash drys you out too much. I like using

Aveeno moisterizers personally.

Change Your Diet:

Eat almonds, fiber, drink lots of water and avoid

excess sugar intake. Food really does make a difference.

This is because the food you put into your body has a

direct effect on your Sebum (oil) production. By eating

the right foods, you'll minimize oily skin, thereby

preventing breakouts.

Egg Whites:

If acne medication isn't working or causing new breakouts,

try applying egg whites to the pimples at night before bed.

This natural remedy works by gently drying out the clogged

pores and clearing up the pimple.

Oatmeal Masks:

One of my favorite natural skin conditioners is wearing an

';oatmeal mask';. The oatmeal with smooth your skin while

simultaneously absorb toxins and oils from your pores.

Try this for a few days straight. Wear the oatmeal mask

for 10 minutes, then wash off. You'll have a nice

glowing complexion right after.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice also dries up pimples and kills any bacteria

in the infection.The citric acid also balances your skin's

pH levels to prevent future breakouts.


Yes, despite your initial beliefs, honey is FANTASTIC for

skin care. Actually, you may notice on many moisterizers

that honey is an ingredient. Much like the lemon solution

above, honey balances the skins pH levels. Test out this

sticky remedy by dabbing pimples with honey and leaving it

on for 5-10 minutes. You can apply full honey masks to your

face but I prefer the oatmeal masks instead.

They're less messy.

For more great remedies, CHECK OUT THE SOURCE LINK Below.

Best of Luck!
Using ginger and garlic to cure your acne is indeed a good idea since both of these herbs are great for skin conditions. Apart from treating acne, they also rejuvenate the skin and also checks out for any fungal or other infections. Let us quickly look at using ginger and garlic to cure your acne:

Ginger for curing acne

Ginger is a rhizomatous perennial plant having Latin name as Zingiber officinale. Typically a ginger is the rhizome of the plant, which is widely adopted as a dietary substance that has medicinal values. There are plenty of researches that reveal that ginger is acne healing agent. There are many favoring properties of ginger but for treating acne, it particularly has three main actions namely:


鈥?Anti-septic, and

鈥?Immunity booster.

Acne is a condition wherein there is inflammation of the dermal layers caused either duet to infection or due to clogged pores and so the irritation. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help healing the inflammation and hence curing the acne. On the other hand, ginger also has antiseptic action that kills the microorganisms those are responsible for the acne conditions. In some of the situations wherein the body鈥檚 immunity power is low due to severe illness, suffering from acne is more likely to happen and hence, ginger, being a natural immunity booster keeps acne away.

Ginger can be used both; topically and orally. However, local use of ginger may not be possible since it burns a lot but there are some natural products that contain ginger and hence, they are recommended. Therefore, culinary use of ginger is considered to be good and safe. Ginger supplements are also available in market that can be consumed according to the dosage written on the product.
The problem is 'not every one will require the same treatment'. like some people burn on products others don't. What might work for me doesn't mean that it will work on you. I suggest you follow some form of treatment where there are loads of different ways all working at once and it is much more likely there will be one for you. I found this product great i think you should check it out (follow the link). however it does take three days to work but once you go through those three days then you won't get a spot again. Theres some great advise in it.
No overnight solution. The combination of Tea Tree Oil soap and the Clindamycin cream is the best for Acne and pimple.

For acne scars and blemishes I lighten them up using papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders. Maybe it will work on you too. Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'
clean %26amp; clear cleansers work best on my skin giving it less redness on spots and reducing spots %26amp; blackheads.
Clean and clear spot treatment....Love it!
any product of clean and clear works best for me

if that doesnt work,try neutrogena

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