Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best skin treatment for acne?

I need a remedy that works! Anyone know of any products that have actually shown a remarkable difference?What is the best skin treatment for acne?
Do you want the truth?? I had very bad acne for about 3 years and nothing worked for me absolutely nothing, i started goin to a dermatologist and after a while they put me on a drug called roaccutane and now my skin is perfect!! But its very dangerous and there is very serious side effects that comes with it!What is the best skin treatment for acne?
rub lemon juice 3-4 times as much salads and fruits and plenty water,fresh air and sleep oily or fried foods,sugary or fizzy drinks.

every day 2tablespoons of apple cider vinger or white vinger with 1 teaspoon oh honey will show wonderfull results all over.GURANTEED.COME BACK AND TELL IN 10 DAYS.

rub some potato skin just as well.
Drink lots of water!! esp before bed. If you use a moisturizer, use an OIL FREE MOISTURIZER. Wash your face after you get up, wipe face with cotton ball saturated with an astringent to clean away cleanser residue, and then use an acne cream with BENZOYL PEROXIDE as the active ingredient. Then use the moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out because the other stuff will sometimes dry out the skin. Repeat at night before bed. BUT%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Drinking water is the best acne controller!! Never use ';acne'; creams near the eye area, or you'll get wrinkles there because of the dryness.

roaccutane is really the best medicine to take only if the doctor think it should be prescribed to you.

It comes in different dosage so you could try the weakest one first and increase mg if it does not work though i can remember that you need at least to take it everyday for a couple of weeks before you could see the effect.

You have to be carefull if you are taking other treatment or pills cause I know for instance that it prevents contraceptive pills to work!!!

it also dry your skin a lot and especially your lips.

Hope that helps cause it helped me big time!

Good Luck
My nanna always told me to use brewers yeast tablets. i never believed her but i tried it anyway, after swallowing the strange smelling things for 2 weeks i started to see the difference. she explained that it cleaned out your system and your blood from the inside. then also if you can get your hands on some beach sand, mix it in with some aqueous cream and rub it into your skin twice a day, leave it for a minute then rinse the sand off. the cream gets absorbed and the sand exfoliates. the sea sand also has salt in it and that helps cause salt is a healer. it also takes a few days to make a difference but give it a chance. let mother nature give you a hand and keep the chemicals for emergencies. it really works i promise.
When I was young I used to burst the spots. Never had any problem with scars etc. wait until a head forms first so all the poison comes out.
Lavender essential oil. Rub it on on a morning. Your acne will be gone in three or four days. Stuff that just smells like lavender is useless. Tea Tree is better, but you'll smell like a fence.
I never had acne. Up untill i got sick, and was in the hospital

they put me on steroids so i could walk again, but unfortunatlly bloated me up . and gave me bad acne, When i got out of the hospital , i ordered some proactiv, it worked ok, but not perfect, so i got some Neutrogena PureGlow face pads, and they work awesome, ill get one here and there, but no bad acne:) hope that helps...and who know proativ might work better on you, it all depends try them out:)
if u want best skin treatment for acne Please see the web pages for more details and images on
Good diet !
witch hazell. or roaccutane but u need the doc for that.
My brother swears by Proactive and he had really bad skin.
The best stuff you can get is on prescription from your doctor. Really does work.
pro active (over the counter stuff), my friend got it, and it helped, but she still has a little acne, but not much.


a prescription from the doctor, ask them for Differin, or Benza Clin, they both work really, really well.

I got those prescriptions, and I went from a face full of acne, to one pimple!!! that stuff works wonders (and it actually works too)
I use ';the body shop'; face cleansers, lotions, and blemish stick.. it works wonderful!
Facial turmeric powder (kasthuri manjal) 鈥?1 spoon, honey 鈥?陆 spoon, few drops of olive oil, curd 鈥?陆 spoon, table salt 鈥?录 spoon. Mix these items to make a paste and apply on your face. More home remedies available at
the best stuff of all is ROACCUTANE tablets. They can only be prescribed by a dermatologist (your GP can refer you) and only if your acne is severe, or hasn't responded to the usual medication of antibiotics (Tetracycline, Minicycline, Oxytetracyline, Erythromycin, etc)

See you doctor, don't bother with anything you can buy over the counter
Wash thoroughly with water only and don't wear makeup. Its a circular condition that is worsened by makeup and products. A good combination of common sense and will-power will fix it.

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