Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whats the best way to cure acne without buying treatment products?

I dont wanna spend oodles on acne treatment, but is there any natural way or like way to use stuff around my house to get rid of em.. I need something quick and easy and effective! ThanksWhats the best way to cure acne without buying treatment products?
I've heard that putting on toothpaste on the effective area the best way. I've also been told by my mom that you should take the peel of the leftover watermelon you eat and freeze it up. then you use that peel and rub it against your pimple (not too hard though). Drink a lot of water. Get plenty of rest. wash your face daily. thats the most i can tell you. GOOD LUCK!Whats the best way to cure acne without buying treatment products?
well get some soap and hot but not too hot water and wash ur face in the moring and at night b4 u go to bed and im pretty it will clear up
Use really gentle stuff and try and steer away from the acids (Salycic, glycolic, bezoyl peroxide, etc) and everything which will most likely irritate it even more. DDF sulfur mask is good and so is the Boscia line at sephora (which is AMAZING and all natural while being relatively on the cheap side). And drink alot of water, makes you feel alot better as well
Check this website out, you might find just what you're looking for!

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:--Acne masks

you really dont have to spend oodles, you can get clean and clear morning face wash for 5 bucks, and since you only need like a pea size, it lasts forever (mines still halfway, and i got it like 6 months ago.)
Ideally, four cloves of garlic daily ( can be taken in the form of odourless capsules of EMG--european manufactured garlic ) .
toothpaste works great! just dab some on the spots needed and go to bed,in the morning your skin will look clearer!

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