Monday, November 21, 2011

What's the best acne treatment for severe acne?

I heartily recommend The ClearPores System to fight your severe acne both from outside and INSIDE, with its herbal blend.

You can visit the official site for more info:鈥?/a>

Here's an article you should read too. The writer used to suffer from severe acne for more than 10 years and finally get rid of it...鈥?/a>

Hope this helps.What's the best acne treatment for severe acne?
firstly please do not use proactive for your acne. that stuff does NOT work and burns your skin,

the celebrities who are advertising it are being paid to do that. i suggest you go and see a dermatologist and roaccatane works wonders.!!!! Report Abuse
What's the best acne treatment for severe acne?
Dear Friend,

My entire face of pimples disappeared overnight (less than 24 hours ) with this MAGICAL product.

Dr Sheffield's Clear Zit Acne Treatment.

First I washed my face with neutrogena acne soap then applied the cream and by morning i had an acne free face I was basically left now to remove the marks.

Unbelievable as it seems, it actually did this

Others have experienced the same (less than 24 hour clear-ups)

I strongly recommend it.

It really works!

Take Care

Angel Doll
Proactive i think is the best way to go. Rumors bout u gettin worse if u stop is false, if anything u go back to how u were. I used it for a year and everything went away but of course my scars. Stopped using it and i work at a burger joint and i dont have ny achne problems. Proactive is the best thing i have ever used and i have tried just bout all others.
Emilia !

Apply the paste made of nutmeg (Jaiphal) and raw milk on acne and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-12 days and see the magical effects
Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at
I used to have REALLY bad acne. I had to go see the doctor and they gave me some medication and my skin cleared up in a few weeks. So I suggest you go see a skin doctor.
you can use clearasil or acne free, but the main thing is stop drinking so much soda trust me it helps drink plenty of water good for your skin. good luck or you can just be going through your stages and it will clear up
maybe tips from this article could help you...鈥?/a>
My friend takes pill and theyve really helped i hear they are dangerous

I use clearasil
just wash your face a lot with a special sope

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