Monday, November 21, 2011

What spot treatment for acne worked for you?

I have tried Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment it didn't work also Mary Kay Acne treatment Gel...and now I have Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish stick and it doesn't do much. But the main thing I would like to know is... what spot treatment works for you and how much it's it and were can i find it? A link would help too. Also what about a Clearasil spot treatment. Does that work?

Thanks for your help!What spot treatment for acne worked for you?
Get the Clean %26amp; Clear Persa-Gel 10. You can get it pretty much anywhere, I get mine from Target. It has 10% benzoyl peroxide, which seriously shrinks the pimple almost overnight. I rely heavily on this stuff hahaha. By far, it's the best spot treatment I've tried :) Good luck!

ps. It's about $4 (?) Something like that.What spot treatment for acne worked for you?
Ok first thing is the Burt's bees thing works you just need to keep it with you all the time and constantly apply it and when you apply it if it stings its doing its job. And only use the clearasil if you have dry skin because it makes your skin very oily. i am a dermatologist and i would recommend and Olay facial washes they will deeply detox your face and you can find them at your local wall-mart store. I would also recommend a simple hypoallergenic foundation from olay it works like a foundation but at the same time helps eliminate them and still makes you look beautiful. plus it will not make you break out and you can use it anywhere on your face,chest,neck. i recommend this to my patients all the time.
if you have severe acne, i seriously recommend going to a doctor. it took 2 years for them to find me a cream that worked, after having 5 different ones. the one that worked was a tablet called roaccutane.. its pretty severe, it made me come out in rashes and my lips and skin were RIDICULOUSLY dry.. but seriously, it has worked a dream. my skin now is totally clear, glowing.. amazing. if your skin is really bad, its DEFFO worth it :)
Clean and Clear advantage stick works great for me. Of course the results aren't instant or overnight but after a couple days my pimples are gone.

Also, clearasil acne cream works great.

You might be making your skin break out by using too many different products. Try sticking to one for about a week or two to see results.

incredibly, plain old toothpaste works well. dab a small amount of it on your pimples before you go to sleep (make sure you wait about 2 minutes to let it dry before laying down). you'll wake up and your acne will have dried up a little.

this method works after a couple of nights. you won't get any drastic results in one night unfortunately =/
My mom heard from 2 other people that pansy tea works. At first she had me drink it but later on she started dabbing the (wet) tea bag on my face and it's working. But drinking the tea also worked a bit.
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